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  1. CashPrizes

    Resolved I can' post in staff application help me.

    No problem. Moving this to archive.
  2. CashPrizes


    Welcome to the community. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
  3. CashPrizes


    Hello and welcome! Thank you for donating to our community as well.
  4. CashPrizes

    Resolved I can' post in staff application help me.

    Have you tried filling out an application by using the moderator form? Click here and let me know if that works.
  5. CashPrizes

    Accepted why does this happen when no one is on

    Player has been punished by @SolarIgnis. Thank you for reporting nonetheless. We appreciate a vigilant eye.
  6. CashPrizes

    Accepted why does this happen when no one is on

    Hi Rippy, For future reports please fill out this form located on the front page of the forums. Can you provide me with his Steam ID?
  7. CashPrizes

    hi im new here

    Glad you found your way onto the forums. Hope you enjoy your stay. :) Consider joining our Discord, if you haven't already.
  8. CashPrizes


    Welcome to the forums.
  9. CashPrizes

    Accepted 's engineer gaming quicksell.store appeal

    Your mute expired 3 days ago. Don't spam music into the mic next time or the punishment increases.
  10. CashPrizes


    Use the this form to submit a proper appeal. Closing.
  11. CashPrizes


    Wish granted but the professor catches you cheating on your math exam and ultimately flunks the course. Bummer. I wish for a lifetime supply of premade PB & J sandwiches.
  12. CashPrizes

    Declined Cryillics moderator application

    Regardless of you confessing to cheating in the past or not, a history of using third-party software does not sit well. Speaking amongst the other Staff this is not something we tolerate. You are welcome to continue playing on our servers.
  13. CashPrizes


    Live freely on the crit server. JB is a wild horse that you cannot tame.
  14. CashPrizes

    More like 30 pounds of curry.

    More like 30 pounds of curry.
  15. CashPrizes

    Hope your fingers are on steroids.

    Hope your fingers are on steroids.
  16. CashPrizes

    Declined Papa Horalis's Moderator Application

    Pretty toxic behavior for someone who desires to uphold the community and its rules. This is not the typical Staff 'role model' attitude we are looking for. Your punishment ladder is not only harsh for 1st offences but inconsistent. Most infractions can be rectified with a simple mute and/or...
  17. CashPrizes

    When Do People Come On?

    30 seconds to 5 minutes on the JB server.
  18. CashPrizes

    Declined Alyx is weird's Moderator Application

    Please read the how to apply guide if you are going to take this seriously. You are encouraged to get to know the community and its members through our Discord before reapplying.
  19. CashPrizes

    Declined Cristian.'s Moderator Application

    User has not provided a suitable punishment ladder.
  20. CashPrizes

    Declined prounder999's Ban appeal

    You were given a large amount of time to respond to your initial post. Clearly you show no interest in putting forth an effort. Had you not received a forum ban for shitposting the applications I might have considered the appeal. Your track record can be followed back to blw and cutiepie, in...