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Declined Cloud's Staff Application

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Mildly Menacing
Jan 2, 2021
User name:


Your Age

Do you have at least 3 days of accumulative playtime on our servers?

Does your Steam account have a VAC ban on record?

Have you been punished in the last 60 days?

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days?

Do you have a microphone?

Have you read the guide on how to apply?

Antwerpen, Belgium

Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously?
Yes, But it is not a TF2 Server.

On what server(s) would you like to moderate? Please list the server name and IP address.
Flux.TF | Jailbreak

Why would you like to become a moderator?
Last couple of days which i have played on the flux server where pretty good but i dont like it when somthing bad happend (Mic Spam, Freekill, MFK) and there was no staff to punish it. So i want to become staff because i want to avoid the times like that and be able to help when there is nobody that can help. I also really want to help the community and try my best to help out where i could.

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members?

Please let us know the names of staff members you have spoken to or know.
Matt, Ginger (Button Wommen), The Funny. (Some of these are long time ago)

When are you usually available to play?
10:00 till 18:00 Eur central time

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
Flux Jailbreak

In General

It will be a permaban but we will need proof.

Advertising Hacks:
First we need proof of it and then Gag/Mute the person.

...ism: (racism,sexism, etc...):
1st time I will warn them to not do it anymore.
2nd time If they keep doing it will be a 3 hour gag/mute
3th time it will be a 6 hour mute/gag
4th time it will be a 1 day mute/gag
5th time it will be a 3 days mute/gag
6th time it will be a 5 days mute/gag
7th time it will be a 1 week mute/gag
8th time it will be a 2 weeks mute/gag
And the 9th time it will be perma mute/gag

1st time it will be a warning to not do it anymore
2nd time it will be 2 hours gag/mute
3th time it will be 4 hours gag/mute
4th time it will be 6 hours mute/gag
5th time it will be 1 day mute/gag
6th time it will be 2 days mute/gag
7th time it will be 4 days mute/gag
8th time it will be 1 week mute/gag
9th time it will be 2 weeks mute/gag
10th time it will be 4 weeks
And 11th time it will be Perma mute/gag

NSFW sprays:
It will be a perma spray ban until They would give us proof of not having it anymore.

Speaking other languages than Enlgish:
1st time it will be warning
2nd time it will be 2 hour mute
3th time it will be 4 hour mute
4th time it will be 6 hour mute
5th time it will be 8 hour mute
6th time it will be 1day mute
7th time it will be 3 day mute
8th time it will be 5 day mute
9th time it will be 1 week mute
10th time it will be 2 week mute
11th time it will be 4 week mute
12th time it will be perma mute

Sombody is afk:
Put them to spectator.

Abusing !calladmin or /calladmin:
1st time it will be warning
2nd time it will be 1 hour ban
3th time it will be 2 hour ban
4th time it will be 5 hour ban
5th time it will be 7 hour ban
6th time it will be 1 day ban
7th time it will be 2 day ban
8th time it will be 5 day ban
9th time it will be 1 week ban
10th time it will be 2 week ban
11th time it will be 4 week ban
12th time it will be Perma ban

Exposing an Undercover admin:
1st time it will be Warning
2nd time it will be 2 hour gag/mute
3th time it will be 4 hour gag/mute
4th time it will be 6 hour gag/mute
5th time it will be 1 day gag/mute
6th time it will be 3 days gag/mute
7th time it will be 5 days gag/ mute
8th time it will be 1 week gag/mute
9th time it will be 2 week gag/mute
10th time it will be 1 month gag/mute
11th time it will be perma mute/gag

Impersonating an admin:
1st time it will be warn them to switch the avatar or name and kick
2nd time it will be 6 hour ban
3th time it will be 12 hour ban
4th time it will be 1 day ban
5th time it will be 3 day ban
6th time it will be 1 week ban
7th time it will be 2 week ban

1st time will be warning and retreat from the spawn area and allow players to exit without getting blocked
2nd time will be slay
3th time will be 1hour ban
4th time will be 3 hour ban
5th time will be 5hour ban
6th time will be 7hour ban
7th time will be 1 day ban
8th time will be 3 day ban
9th time will be 5 day ban

For the blues:

Freekill or teamkill:

1st time it will be warning and than slay
2nd time it will be 30 minutes tban
3th time it will be 1hour tban
4th time it will be 3hour tban
5th time it will be 8 hour tban
6th time it will be 1day tban
7th time it will be 3day tban
8th time it will be a perma tban

Pretending to be the warden but u are not:
1st time it will be warn and slay
2nd time it will be 30 min mute
3th time it will be 1hour mute
4th time it will be 3 hour mute
5th time it will be 8hour mute
6th time it will be 1day mute
7th time it will be 3 day mute
8th time it will be perma mute

Force wardening or !w and /w:
1st time will be warn and then slay
2nd time will be 30 minutes tban
3th time will be 1hour tban
4th time will be 3hour tban
5th time will be 8hour tban
6th time will be 1 day tban
7th time will be 3day tban
8th time will be perma tban

Favoretising a red or more:
1st time it will be slay and warn
2nd time it will be 30 min tban
3th time it will be 1 hour tban
4th time it will be 3 hour tban
5th time it will be 8hour tban
6th time i twill be 1day tban
7th time it will be 3day tban
8th time it will be perma tban

Have no mic on blue team:
Teamban until proven of having a working mic.

Talking over the warden:
1st time it will be warn
2nd time it will be 30 min mute
3th time it will be 1 hour mute
4th time it will be 3 hour mute
5th time it will be 8 hour mute
6th time it will be 1 day mute
7th time it will be 3 day mute
8th time it will be perma mute

Mass freekill (MFK):
Perma tban

Sabotaging the warden:

1st time it will be slay and warn
2nd time it will be 30 min tban
3th time it will be 1 hour tban
4th time it will be 3 hour tban
5th time it will be 8 hour tban
6th time it will be 1 day tban
7th time it will be 3 day tban
8th time it will be perma tban

Not wanting to go warden or !uw and /uw
1st time it will be slay and warn
2nd time it will be 30 min tban
3th time it will be 1 hour tban
4th time it will be 3 hour tban
5th time it will be 8 hour tban
6th time it will be 1day tban
7th time it will be 3day tban
8th time it will be perma tban

Lr denail
1st time Warn and slay and give freeday to the person who got lr denaild.
2nd time it will be 30 min tban
3th time it will be 1 hour tban
4th time it will be 3 hour tban
5th time it will be 8 hour tban
6th time it will be 1 day tban
7th time it will be 3 day tban
8th time it will be perma tban

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
I took a brake from TF2 some time ago but now im back i will do my best if i get accepted into the staff team.

Are you proficient in languages other than English?

Are you proficient in languages other than English?
English, Romanian. Dutch. Nederlands.

festive god

Is it this? im old i don't understandddddddd
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2021
You were a good person, but ya took a break, a long one. I suggest u play some more and get ehhh how do you say “reinstated” into flux again. Just so i can observe you and see how u interact with everything agian. Till then I ain’t a yes or a no. Though u did help me tons with reports on people so you pretty good in my eye


Jan 24, 2021
For once festive is right, you were a pretty decent before you took a break, spend some more time on the server and keep up that attitude!


Fajo the Money
Staff Member
Apr 10, 2020
Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
I took a brake from TF2 some time ago but now im back i will do my best if i get accepted into the staff team.
Yes you did, and it appears you've been inactive again for 2 weeks. Your first application you deliberately plagiarized. Second app you posted within 2 weeks and I never mentioned reapplying at that point. If you actually serious about this you'd show some level of activity and/or interest.

Seeing as this is your third attempt you've exhausted all opportunities. Do not create another application going forward.

Indefinitely declined.
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